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Let the Little Children Come to Me

Matthew 19:14

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

I've been thinking of ways to address the current situation involving the children detained at the border, and from the perspective of an outsider looking in, I've considered that I may not have had all the facts, that being an outsider myself may cause me to be biased towards the situation, and lastly the fact that somehow, some people will get offended, no matter what I say.

So, I'm just going to use a verse I have known by heart since I was a little kid, a verse that shaped a place I call home.

When I envision the future, I don't envision my kids or my friends' kids growing up in a world that teaches them that it's okay to look away at all the injustice happening. I don't envision them living in a world that treats children, regardless of their background or ethnicity, worse off than their own pets.

I don't know what your political views or stance on immigration are, but when those views blind you from treating a child with the care, love, affection and protection that they need, then you need to take a long look at the things you value.

Maybe you need to raise awareness of the situation. Some people don't know these things are happening, and you could be the one to start speaking up for them. Maybe you need to donate to organizations offering aid to services to these kids and their families. Maybe you need to call your elected representatives and let them know that this is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Whatever you need to do, we need to do this for these kids, so they can have a chance at growing up in a world that appreciates them and loves them, no restrictions. We have to speak out for these little voices, because I know, if I was in the same place, I would want the same thing.

Attached are some links towards organizations you can donate to and get involved in:

The Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)

Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)

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