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We all love this word when we're taking about things like new clothes, a new house, a new car, that new shoe smell... yeah we all know that and how that makes us feel.

It's a new decade! And a new year!

But with that also comes a new season, new opportunities, as well as new challenges and obstacles.

My new year felt great... until its 5th day.

I was saying bye to my family and going back to my apartment. I was starting work the next day and that sense of deja vu from last year was hitting strong, back when I started my new job.

I like new when it's shiny. Not so much when it's not.

Change is new, and I don't like it.

It's not easy to say goodbye to my family, knowing I won't be able to see them for months. It's not easy to start the new year knowing some people I cherished never made it.

I know there's others feeling the same way. I've seen it.

New is good, but sometimes new is hard.

All I can do right now is pray for grace, patience and perseverance to get through it and make the most out of it. For me and for everyone else out there, feeling the same way I am.

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